Gentleman Jim. Both the pinnacle of Errol's flame, and at the same time the exact point at which your could see the start of his decline. Do I see this as his "Jump The Shark" moment? Well....no, I don't. Gentleman Jim, through an unfortunate confluence of events (first the main character being a brash asshole; second, his final line in the movie being "I'm no gentleman", which was met with howls of laughter as the movied played during the rape trial), was not, again, in that 30s/40s mode, even remotely it was a better-than-most, well made, well directed, 1940's style, well, silly, movie. In the good side. Great Errol fluff.
And he knew it.
On the down side. The rape trial. Basically, even by today's ridiculous Nancy Grace pandering to the missing-suburban-girl standards, these were blatantly ridiculous charges from gold-diggers and gold-digging stage mothers.
And he knew it.
But couldn't do anything about it but beat the charge. But it hurt, and was the start of the downward slide.
Oh, this was another Veoh.com free online movie. Good source. And free. I like free. I really like free.
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