Today is "All Day Elvis" day on TCM, which makes for some pretty horrible movie watching. So I tracked down Santa Fe Trail, the Errol Flynn-Ronald Reagan western from 1940, online and watched it. Fair to good movie, with good screen chemistry between Errol and Ronnie, and Errol and Olivia DeHaviland. The story, however, is one of those ridiculous rewrites of history Hollywood was so blatant about in the 1940s. Flynn plays Jeb Stuart, Reagan plays Custer. Together they capture John Brown (played as a pretty convincing wild-eyed wacko by Raymond Massey). The movie is (and was even at the time of it's release) just intellectual fluff. Good action sceens. And another Errol Flynn movie goes on the list.
So far, I've only been able to locate Santa Fe Trail and In The wake Of The Bounty in online archives. Hopefully, there are a few more obscure Errol movies hiding out there online somewhere.
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