Footsteps In The Dark. Kind of a mixed bag of tricks. Made in 1941, the movie was an attempt by Warners to diversify Errol in films that were less swashbuckly (Is that a word? Hmmm. No. It's not) and, apparently, cash in on the formula and success of the Thin Man series. Overall, not too bad. Errol did have a real flare for comedy, and there's a good supporting cast here, including William Bellamy, Alan Hale, William Frawley, and a en exceptionally pretty Brenda Marshall. Had the movie had better success, it's evident from the last scene in the movie that the studia planned a series of "Nick and Nora"-type movies. Unfortunately the script is pretty wooden, and the story seems forced and pretty artificial. Flynn's fine grasp of humor is lost in a lot of pretty humorless scenes. Oh well. Anyway, #34 is down and I'be got a stack of movies to watch.
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